How to Compute GWA in College?

How to compute GWA in senior high school and College?

To compute the GWA or General Weighted Average in Senior High School, you can follow these steps:

  • Get your grades. Your grades should be available on your report card or transcript. Make sure that you have all of your grades for the semester or academic year you want to compute your GWA for.
  • Assign the corresponding numerical value for each grade. In the Philippines, the most common grading system uses the following numerical values: A+ = 98-100 A = 95-97 A- = 92-94 B+ = 89-91 B = 86-88 B- = 83-85 C+ = 80-82 C = 77-79 C- = 74-76 D+ = 71-73 D = 68-70 F = Below 68
  • Compute the total number of units or credits. Each subject or course has a corresponding number of units or credits. Multiply the numerical value of each grade by the number of units or credits for each subject, then add all of the products together. This will give you the total number of units or credits for the semester or academic year.
  • Compute for the total weighted value. Multiply the numerical value of each grade by the number of units or credits for each subject, then add all of the products together. This will give you the total weighted value for the semester or academic year.
  • Compute for the GWA. Divide the total weighted value by the total number of units or credits for the semester or academic year. This will give you your GWA for that particular semester or academic year.
  • Repeat steps 1-5 for each semester or academic year to get your overall GWA. Once you have computed your GWA for each semester or academic year, add them all together and divide by the total number of semesters or academic years. This will give you your overall GWA for Senior High School.

It is important to note that different schools may have slightly different grading systems and numerical values, so make sure to check with your school for their specific guidelines on computing the GWA.

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