College Grading System in Philippines

In the Philippines, the college grading system evaluates the student’s performance during the educational period. Eventually, it provides insights to measure the students’ achievements and further academic standings in the educational system. 

Here is the List of all universities and college Grading systems that are currently working in the Philippines.

University of Philippines Grading Point system
Central Colleges of Philippines grade system
STI College grade point system
Santo Tomas College Grading System

However, the colleges grading system relies on various factors. However, we’ve revealed a comprehensive guide on this system.

College Grading System

In the Philippines, several colleges prefer the 4- point scaling. It’s usually similar to the American system, where grades are distributed between 0.00-4.00. 

  • 4.00; higher grade
  • 0.00; Failing grade

Various other colleges/universities based on 5 points scaling where:

  • 1; higher most grade (3.00 is the lowest passing digit for students)
  • 5; Lower most grade

There are some important conditions regarding grading:

  • The final grade file is officially issued at the end of academic duration.
  • The grading counter utilizes the whole grading marks, except INC (incomplete), FDA, NA (Never Appeared), and DRP (Dropped).  

However, you may go for the varying grading systems in the Philippines. It’s because there’s no standard grading equivalence for all colleges. So, all colleges/universities will go for the altering equivalence range. Your passing grades introduce your academic quality and vary according to institutes. 

CHECK: PUP Grading System in the Philippines

Basics of Grades

Grades%ageDescription (General)USA Grading
1.7590-92Very Good
2.5081-83Fairly Satisfactory84-80=C
5.0< 75FailF

Related Mark of Grading

NANever Appeared
FDAFailure Due to Absences
WFWithdrawal without Permission
WPWithdrawal with Permission

Secondary Schooling System

Grading ScaleGrading Scale 2Grading DescriptionUS Grades
1.00 – 1.2597.00 – 100.00ExcellentA
1.25 – 1.4994.00 – 96.99Very goodA-
1.50 – 1.7491.00 – 93.99Very goodB+
1.75 – 1.9988.00 – 90.99GoodB
2.00 – 2.2485.00 – 87.99GoodB-
2.25 – 2.4982.00 – 84.99SatisfactoryC+
2.50 – 2.7480.00 – 81.99SatisfactoryC
2.75 – 2.9978.00 – 79.99UnsatisfactoryC-
3.00 – 3.9975.00 – 77.99UnsatisfactoryD+
4.00 – 4.9970.00 – 74.99ConditionalD
5.00 – 5.000.00 – 69.99FailF

De La Salle Saint Benilde College

GradesScaling2nd ScalingDescriptionUS Grade
A4.0097.00 – 100.00ExcellentA+
Am3.5093.00 – 96.00SuperiorA
B3.0089.00 – 92.00Very GoodB+
Bm2.5085.00 – 88.00GoodB
Cp2.0080.00 – 84.00SatisfactoryB-
C1.5075.00 – 79.00FairC+
Cm1.0070.00 – 74.00PassedC
F0.000.00 – 69.00FailedF

University of De La Salle

DescriptionScaleScale 2Grades of US
Excellent4.00 – 4.0097.00 – 100.00A+
Superior3.50 – 3.9993.00 – 96.99A
Very good3.00 – 3.4989.00 – 92.99B+
Good2.50 – 2.9985.00 – 88.99B
Satisfactory2.00 – 2.4980.00 – 84.99B-
Fair1.50 – 1.9975.00 – 79.99C+
Pass1.00 – 1.4970.00 – 74.99C
Fail0.00 – 0.000.00 – 69.99F

Miriam College

DescriptionScaleScale 2US Grade
Superior6.00 A+
Excellent4 – 596 – 100A
Above Average3.50 – 490 – 95B
Average2.50 – 384 – 89C
Below Average1.50 – 278 – 83C-
Bad Performance1.0075 – 77D
Fail0.000.00 – 74F

San Juan de Letran College

DescriptionGradeScaleGrades in US
ExcellentA96 – 100A
ExcellentA-90 – 95A-
Very GoodB+87 – 89B+
Very GoodB85 – 86B
GoodB-83 – 84B-
GoodC+80 – 82C+
PassedC78 – 79C
PassedC-75 – 77C-
FailureD60 – 74F
FailureF0 – 59F
 S S

Xavier University Undergraduate

GradeScaleUS Grade
A92.00 – 100.00A
A-84.00 – 91.99A-
B76.00 – 83.99B
B-68.00 – 75.99B-
C60.00 – 67.99C
D50.00 – 59.99D
F0.00 – 49.99F

STI College Grade Point System

DescriptionEquivalenceGrade Point Equivalence
Excellent97.50-100 %1.00
Very Good94.50-97.49 %1.25
Very Good91.50-94.49 %1.50
Very Good88.50-91.49 %1.75
Satisfactory85.50-88.49 %2.00
Satisfactory82.50-85.49 %2.25
Satisfactory79.50-82.49 %2.50
Fair76.50-79.49 %2.75
Fair74.50-76.49 %3.00
FailedBelow 74.493.25-5.00

Tarlac State College University of Engineering&Technology

DescriptionEquivalenceGrading Score
Very Good95-98%1.25
Very Good90–94%1.50
Failing<60%  5.00
Incomplete INC

General Grading Policies in the Philippines

  • The official formula of colleges is applied for final grade calculation.
  • Apart from Study/Project Design, Research/Thesis/Feasibility, and Practicum,/OJT. The students who are unable to take final term papers will obtain the ‘INC’ grade.
  • The thesis must be completed and submitted on account of the allowed period. Undergraduate students will present their oral defense to the college’s panel community. Afterward, the thesis advisor will assign the final grade to each student.
  • Students must ensure that their examinations have been accomplished appropriately within the designated time. If you fail to acquire the examination completion in the recommended time. It results in turning your grade to 50% due to an examination missing. Meanwhile, an authorized community of the SRMD will be responsible for encoding the final completion grade; if completion processing extends beyond the grade encoding deadline. 
  • Suppose you’ve dropped the subject before midterm; it considers as ‘Dropped’ on your sheet. You may complete the following requirements now:
  • The student’s Drop form must be submitted before crossing the maximum official absences limit.
  • The drop form is always verified by the professor/ instructor and then approved by the department’s Dean. It must submit before the midterm examinations initiation or on SRMD. 
  • Therefore, if you drop after your midterm for any valid reason (illness). Your grade marking will be exposed as ‘Drop in Good Standing’. Now you may get the clearance certificate from your Head office of college affairs. Then it’s verified and approved by Chairperson/College Dean by applying these requirements:
  • Students should never achieve a failing grade in relevant subjects that are being dropped in midterm examinations. 
  • He should never have reached maximum absence in the following subject.
  • He should never be responsible for violating the laws of the college.
  • Final grades are served to all students by SRMD. These are distributed just 15 days later from the final examination. Any student concerned about his grade has the right to contact the college’s official community before the upcoming semester. 

Student’s Class Attendance

The student’s name must be mentioned in the college’s authorized list. Afterward, he will consider enrolling in this college. Suppose any student’s name isn’t found on the official class list; he can’t receive his grade. That’s why attendance must be noted for each class initiation on the first day of classes. This attendance is taken according to the officially provided class list. Although, this list is managed by Student Records and Management Department (SRMD). 

Sometimes, some students enroll in the class after the designated deadline and fail to attend their first class. They all are considered as ‘Absent’. Their educational record won’t appear at the end of the entire session. So the late enrollees and those who miss the initial class session usually miss their academic grades. (if the system is upgraded, then they may get enrolled, but it’s not sure).

Officially Allowable Absence

Students are allowed to acquire less than 20% absences from the class. If he incurred more than 20% absences for the whole class interval of any subject. He may consider a fail and grant with failure due to the absence (FDA) grade.

Habitual and Tardy Absences

Suppose a student arrives at class after 15 minutes from the scheduled initial time. He is marked as ‘Tardy’. The notable point is that three tardy marks on your sheet are committed as one entire absence. 

Furthermore, if you exit your class without the faculty member’s permission and remain out during the whole session. This is mentioned as ‘Absence’. You need to stay in your class for appropriate attendance for designated class timings. If you have to go out for some serious concern, obtain permission, then leave your class. However, you must ensure your attendance records during academic sessions. 

Excused Absence

  • The absence mark ‘E’ is introduced into the Philippines’ educational system by the Department’s associated College Dean or Chairperson.
  • Students go for this absence due to several reasons, certain of which are;
  • Family member’s death (you need to submit the death certificate’s copy to college).
  • Illness; your medical certificate is required that must be verified by University Physician.
  • During academic or non-academic activities
  • If you’re a legit participant in campus activities
  • You must request this absence for at least three days before the concerned activity. (you may take this absence for more days as in case of death etc.).

CHECK: GWA Calculator

Student’s Responsibility who bunk the Classes

Completing all the missed lessons and assignments must be your first priority. This catching up on all the lessons is quite favorable, Regardless of all reasons for absence. 

Therefore, all class interruptions are strictly prohibited except those determined by respective faculty members. Besides this, if there are any concerns, you must address them via appropriate channels such as the Head of Student Affairs, College Associate Dean or Executive Dean. 

Studies Load

While after accomplishing the entire concerns regarding your absence, study load, and credentials conveniently. You are proficient in fulfilling the whole requirements and moving towards your examination. 


College students must accomplish their scheduled examinations and tests; preliminary examinations, Midterm and Final terms. It includes additional test series or competition tests as well. Suppose you’re unable to consider all the examinations; it seems you’ve lost your 50% grade for preliminary or midterm. However, the incomplete mark is exposed on your examination portal. You can get permission and then complete your examination portal with this text.


What stands for my 2.25 grade in my Philippine college?

It evaluates your satisfactory grade;
1 > Excellent
1.25;1.5 > Very Good
1.75; 2.0 > Good
2.25;2.5 > Satisfactory
2.75;3 > Pass
4.0 > Conditional Failure

What is the topmost grade point average achieved in a Philippine college?

In 2015, Tiffany Grace Uy graduated Summa Cum Laude, attaining a remarkably high general weighted average (GWA) of 1.004. this extraordinary success is the top-notch GWA recorded since World War II at the University of the Philippines Diliman. 

Final Thoughts

The college’s grading system in the Philippines plays a pivotal role in evaluating your academic performance. You are capable of determining your attendance and class activities. How are these things all collectively associated with your grades? Usually, there are three major phases of grades; Higher (1)-passing mark (3)-Lower/Failing mark(5). 

Hence, all colleges and universities have their grade systems. By knowing your college’s current grading system, you may strive for personal growth and success in your studies.


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