DepEd Grading System Philippines

K–12 Basic Education Program utilizes the competency-based grading assessment system. Curriculum manuals have outlined the guidelines of this system. So, the schools have adopted this DepEd grading system. In this system, students’ grades are accomplished by their weighted raw scores in collective assessments. 

However, the passing grade for each subject is 60. These 60 marks are mentioned on the report card by converting to 75. So the recommended minimum score for quarterly grades and final grades is 60.

CHECK: College Grading System Philippines

The school departments go for the floor grade. On account of regulations, It’s the lowest achievable mark on a learner’s report card. Moreover, in each quarter, students in Grades 1-12 are evaluated based on:

  • Performance tasks 
  • Written work
  • Quarterly assessment

You must note that the specific weightage of all these components may vary depending on the subject matter.

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Curriculum DepEd Grading System

Since 2012, this grading system has been established when the educational system is reformed. However, you are able to know the fullest information about it.

This system comprises the entire assessment process, including students’ upcoming grades, work tasks, their educational behavior during the assessment, and quarterly details as well.

It’s the core reason why this system is still a reliable and vital source for acquiring transparency outcomes. You may achieve your k-12 curriculum grades.

Department Education Department (DepEd) Grading System

The Basic Education Program was accomplished in 2015, where k-12gradings depend on competency and standard grades. You are familiar with the lowest most 60 marks that convert to 75 while mentioned on a report card. Likewise, the grading system is weighted raw scores according to your assessments. The department follows all these regulatory terms for their students’ attainable grading presentation. 

Hence, according to this grading system, your grades (1-12) are evaluated comprehensively. However, various private schooling departments don’t follow similar instructions. DepED system strictly recommends all educational institutes follow the policies. That’s why some private sectors (Non-DepED schools) won’t go for all policies of DepED. They are permitted to alter various terms for their missions and philosophy.

Therefore, it’s a common perspective why DepED usually depends on the curriculum grading system. When we compare curriculum Knowledge to other systems for performances, understanding, process, or KPUP grading. This system includes a few components and the latest transmutation table.

How can you compute and record the learner’s progress?

Kindergarten Learners Progress

A separate order issues the dedicated guidelines for assessing Kindergarten learners. You need to know that In the case of Kindergarten, anecdotal and checklists are preferred rather than numerical grades. So these tools are designed to outline the learning standards in the Kindergarten curriculum guidebook. 

Though, your tutors have to maintain the Student’s portfolio. It comprises a comprehensive collection of your output, including artwork, completed activity sheets, and writing samples. 

The portfolio offers noteworthy evidence of the Student’s skill development and competency attainment. By this checklist, teachers can indicate whether you’re demonstrating the required task performance for Kindergarten learners and expected knowledge or not. Though, anecdotal records enables the department head authority teachers to describe Student’s behavior, effort, and attitude in school work.

Grades 1 – 12

Each academic term includes a single Quarterly Assessment. It also includes the chances for learners to complete Written Work and reveal their knowledge through excellent task performance. 

Although there is no specific quantity authorized system for Performance Tasks and Written Work. So it’s essential to distribute them evenly throughout your quarter and utilize them to evaluate your skills after completing each unit (quarter).

General Computation of Average and Final Grades in DepEd

The DedED 1-12 Grading system has the following appropriate steps to compute final out-coming grades.

Step 1: Added all Grades of whole students 

It provides the net scores for a single component (Quarterly Assessment, Performance Tasks and Written Work)

Now you need to convert the raw scores of any component into the %age scorings. This step ensures that your values are effectively growing forward to each other. 

Step 2: Each Component’s sum is altered to Percentage Scores

While you need to calculate your Percentage Score (PS), you can divide your scores by the possible high points. Then quotient will be multiplied by 100 to acquire the percentage. 

PS = Student’s total row scoring/ Possible Highest Score × 100%

Step 3: PS is converted to WS

Percentage scoring to weighted scores (WS) representing that each Component is vital to promote the different subject’s learning. Hence, now multiply your PS with the weight that’s shown in the table here. You will obtain the Weighted Score (WS).

WS = PS × Weight of Component

For 1-10 Grades, the Component’s weight is:

Quarterly Assessment20%20%20%
Performance Tasks50%40%60%
Written Work30%40%20%

Although the SHS grading system is based on a varying pack of components weight. This table reveals the record of different subjects and the core weight of other components.

CHECK: PUP Grading System in Philippines

Wight of Senior High School (SHS) Components, specifically for Grades 11-12

Core SubjectsAcademic Track for All other subjectsAcademic Track for Research, Work immersion, Performance, ExhibitsTVL/ Arts & Design Track, Sports for all other SubjectsTVL/ Arts & Design Track, Sports for Research, Work immersion, Performance, Exhibits
Quarterly Assessment25%30%25%20%
Performance Tasks50%45%40%60%
Written Work25%25%35%20%

Step 4: WS sum of each Component is considered as Initial Grade

However, this initial grade is transmuted to obtain the Quarterly Grade (QG). It all depends on this transmutation table:

Initial GradeTransmuted GradeInitial GradeTransmuted Grade
98.40 – 99.999966.40 – 67.9879
96.80 – 98.399864.81 – 66.3978
95.21 – 96.799763.21 – 64.7977
93.60 – 95.199661.60 – 63.1976
92.00 – 93.599560.01 – 61.5975
90.40 – 91.999456.00 – 59.9974
88.80 – 90.399352.01 – 55.9973
87.20 – 88.799248.00 – 51.9972
85.60 – 87.199144.00 – 47.9971
84.00 – 85.599040.01 – 43.9970
82.40 – 83.998936.00 – 39.9969
80.80 – 82.398832.00 – 35.9968
78.20 – 80.798728.00 – 31.9967
77.60 – 79.198624.00 – 27.9966
76.00 – 77.598520.00 – 23.9965
74.40 – 75.998416.00 – 19.9964
72.80 – 74.388312.00 -15.9963
71.20 – 72.79828.00 – 11.9962
69.61 – 71.19814.00 – 7.9961
68.00 – 69.59800 – 3.9960

Step 5: QG is mentioned on Student’s report card

We have brought a sample of three students’ English class track records to explain the summative assessment record best. If you know about grading for the first time, it may assist you in understanding this grading system. So the first quarter’s Class track record is taken as follows:

 Written Work (30%)Performance Task (50%)Quarterly Assessment (20%)Initial GradeQuarterly Grade
Possible Highest Score16010030%12010050%5010020%100100

Steps of Calculating Grades 

  • You may achieve the entire scorecard regarding each component
  • Divide your raw score by high scores, and afterwards multiply with 100 to acquire the PS
  • Now convert your PS to weighted scores.
  • Add your WS to your obtained each component. It’s your initial grade
  • Ultimately you’re proficient in transmuting your first grade according to table information. 

Learner’s Progress Report

The school presents the progress report to the student’s parents through parent-teacher conferences. This report is the collective summary of their entire session, and it’s discussed in all possible ways. You are also proficient in calculating your grades at the end of your school session. 

Although their usual grading scale is represented as:

85-89Strongly Satisfactory (Passed)
80-84Satisfactory (Passed)
75-79Fairly Satisfactory (Passed)
Below 75Did Not Meet Expectations (Failed)

DepEd Promotion

While considering all the learning institutes, 75 is taken as the final grade and promotes the learner’s progress to the next level. Hence, here is the guideline for your promotion and retention in DepED;

Grades 1-3 Students75 final grade in all learning componentsSuccessfully promoted for next grade levels
 Didn’t accomplish all requirements in more than two componentsStudent must acquire the passing marks in remedial classes then promoted to next grade.
 Didn’t match expectations in over three componentsAttain the same level again
Grades 4-10 Students75 Final GradeSuccessfully promoted to next grading level
 Passing the remedial class is essential otherwise consider a fail and in same gradeThe student is Promoted for  Certification of Junior Higher School
 Didn’t match more than 3 areasMust retain the same grade
 Pass all Elementary learning areasElementary Certificate is achievable
  Unable to accomplish required result in the prerequisite subject
 Clear all Junior High School learning areasSuccessfully earn your certificate of Junior High School
  Promotable for the Senior High School
Grades 11-12 Students75 Final Grade in a semester of learning areaProceedable to next semester
 Didn’t meet Expectations in a whole semesterNow must clear the remedial classes for higher-level subject enrollment
 Obtain your Certificate of Senior Higher SchoolNow must clear the remedial classes otherwise consider as the failure of subject
 Clear all subjects of Senior Higher schoolingObtain your Certificate of Senior Higher school

Essential Values of Filipino Children that are Exposed on Report Card

The k-12 program aims to grow the students in the Philippines with 21st-century proficiencies comprehensively.

Enhancing learners’ abilities are accomplished through remarkable qualities, including Core Values, Mission, and Vision.

Non-DepEd institutions have the flexibility to adjust these guidelines according to their respective schools’ mission, principles, vision, and core values.

 Final Statement

Although DepEd Grading System is a vital component of the Philippine education system. It offers you a standardized approach to evaluating your academic performance. Meanwhile, a consistent update and upgrade of the grading system is also needed.

This system serves multiple purposes that assist you to achieve your target success in the educational institute. Though as you have learned that various other factors are also associated with this system. The notable fact is that learners’ improvements and effectiveness are directly linked to their grades. Their grade improvement is a significant factor as well. 

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