What is GWA?

GWA is a numerical assessment of a student’s academic performance. However, not all grades carry the same weight in determining a student’s overall performance. Here comes the Grade Weight Average in academics. This calculation method is used to determine a student’s overall academic performance and is considered a great educational analytical tool. This mathematical calculation reflects students’ performance in classes, assignments, and projects.

This ultimate guide will accurately describe GWA, how it is calculated, and what it is for college, school, and university students. Let’s explore!


GWA, a Grade weighted average, calculates an average grade considering the weight of each assignment, quiz, project, and test. It is a mathematical calculation that determines an overall student’s academic performance. It’s pretty simple but requires understanding.

How Is GWA Calculated?

Credits for each assignment, project, or test are crucial to calculating GWA. For example, a midterm might be worth 30% of the final grade, while homework might be 10%. Multiplying the grade for each assignment or test by its weight and adding them all up. Finally, divide the total by the Sum of the credits to get the overall grade.

For example: if a student gets a 2.4 in English, a 1.4 in Psychology, and a 4.5 in Math grade weighted average would be calculated as follows:

English: 1.2 x 2 = 2.4

Psychology: 1.4 x 1 = 1.4

Maths: 1.5 x 1 = 4.5

In the next step, sum up the results

Total grades= 2.4 + 1.4 + 4.5 = 8.3

Now sum up the credit units.

Total Number of Credit Units = 2 + 1 + 1 = 4

Finally, divide the Sum of grades by the Sum of total credits.

GWA = 8.3 ÷ 4 = 2.075

GWA For School Students

Grade is important for high school students too. With the weight of each grade, students will be able to see which courses have a greater impact on their overall average.

It can be useful, especially when applying for college, as many institutions consider grade-weighted averages a key factor in admission decisions. Additionally, GWA helps students to identify areas where they may need to improve academic performance.

GWA For College Students

GWA is just as important for college students as it is for high school students. In college, students are often required to take a wide range of courses with varying credit hours. Each course carried a different weight in determining their overall academic performance.

READ: How to Compute GWA in College?

To calculate the grade weighted average, students can see how their performance in each course impacts the overall academic period. Maintaining scholarship eligibility, meeting graduation requirements, and preparing for post-graduate opportunities are particularly important.

GWA For University Students

GWA is crucial for university students, particularly those pursuing advanced degrees. It’s no secret, universities have strict academic standards, and students must maintain a certain GWA to remain in good academic standing. The reason is that a good grade weighted average plays a key role in determining a student’s academic success and shaping their future career opportunities.

A high GWA can open doors to a wide range of opportunities, including scholarships, internships, employment opportunities, fellowships, or advanced degree programs.

Final Verdicts

To sum up, the Grade Weighted Average, the numerical representation of grades, is a crucial element in education. For high school, college, and university students, it’s crucial to maintain good academic standing, meets graduation requirements, and prepare for post-graduate opportunities. We hope this ultimate guide has resolved all your confusion about GWA.

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