How to Compute Grades in Excel?

When you are computing your grades in Excel, you’re capable of utilizing multiple nested IF statements in Excel. These IF statements let you determine the letter grades using a percentage score. Although, this approach can be quite complex. Fortunately, Microsoft introduced a more straightforward alternative in 2016 called the IFS function. While using the IFS function, you can proficiently combine all conditions into your single function. This approach has made your grading much easier to comprehend.

Easiest Method: GWA Calculator

However, these nested IF formulas of Excel’s grading system assess specific conditions and assign your corresponding grades. Let’s consider a scenario where we have a dataset comprising %age scores, and our objective is to determine your corresponding grades. In this case, we can simplify the complicated calculations by employing the more user-friendly approach of utilizing multiple nested IF formulas in Excel. So, this method allows us to efficiently handle all the specified conditions while arriving at the desired results. 

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You may notice these two noteworthy facts about the grading in Excel:

  • Your grade calculation formula in Excel provides an excellent means of categorizing data based on its specific characteristics. For instance, suppose we possess a dataset containing your obtained marks. Now we wish to determine the superior performers of your class and identify those who have achieved higher marks compared to their fellows. We can utilize the grade calculation to assign grades to these marks accordingly.
  • There isn’t a pre-existing formula in Excel specifically designed to calculate your grades. We’ll use the “IF” formula in Excel to fulfill this task. Meanwhile, we’ve multiple grades to assign, and we will utilize this nested IF formula in Excel to calculate grades accurately in the following scenarios.

Computation of grades in Excel

How to Compute Grades in Excel? You can understand this grading method in Excel formula sense by going through the following examples:

Example: Compute your Grades in Excel Formula

Here we have the actual data comprising the final exam marks of students for their Excel grading. Our objective is to compute the corresponding grades according to these marks. Hence, we have established specific criteria for assigning grades and have successfully calculated the grades. Your remarkable feature is to remember the highest marks correspond to an “A” grade, while the lowest marks with a “D” grade.

Here you have the following instructive steps for applying this method:

  • We’ve established the standards by which a grade is assigned based on the student’s marks.
  • Once your criteria have been defined, it’s essential to perform calculations for the total marks earned by the students. After that, the percentage that they have achieved.
  • The next phase is required to apply the nested IF formula for your grading accomplishment: 

= IF (H2>80%,”A”,IF(H2>70%,”B”,IF(H2>60%,”C””D”)))

Hence, this formula represents that “if your %age is higher than 80. You are leading in the Grade A range.”

CHECK: DepEd Grading System Philippines

= IF (H2>80%,”A”,IF(H2>70%,”B”,IF(H2>60%,”C””D”)))

Meanwhile, if your %age is coming in the range of 70, then you’re falling in the Grade B range.

How to compute grades in Excel?

==IF (H2>80%,”A”,IF(H2>70%,”B”,IF(H2>60%,”C””D”)))

%age is higher than 60, and the student comes in the grade C range.

 == IF (H2>80%,”A”,IF(H2>70%,”B”,IF(H2>60%,”C””D”)))

  Students with %age lower than 60 will occupy Grade D (lowermost).

== IF (H2>80%,”A”,IF(H2>70%,”B”,IF(H2>60%,”C””D”)))

  • Now, you’re capable of dragging this formula for the upcoming cells. In this way, you can compute your further grades.

Example: Compute your Product Quality Grades in Excel Formula

You are capable of determining the fruit quality grade based on their quality scores according to the Excel formula. The highest quality score comes to an excellent grade of A, while the lowest quality score is D. 

  • The first and foremost step is to define the criteria for grade calculation
  • You may utilize the nested IF formula to compute the grades for product quality
  • The formula will be taken as follows:

> = IF (B2>80%,”A”,IF(B2>70%,”B”,IF(B2>60%,”C”,”D”)))

The logical definition is here “Suppose %age is higher than 80, and your product comes in the Grade A category” as:

= IF (B2>80%,”A”, IF(B2>70%,”B”, IF(B2>60%,”C”,”D”)))

Hence, with 70 percentage, your product falls into the Grade B category for 70%:

=IF(B2>80%,”A”, IF(B2>70%,”B”, IF(B2>60%,”C”,”D”)))

With %age higher than 60, Grade C is allotted to this product:


Lastly, with % an age lower than 60, Grade D is allotted to a related product:


  • Therefore, you’re able to utilize this method to find out the grades of further products. The same formula is applied to other product categories.




“= IF (A2>=35, “PASS”, “FAIL”)”

Notable Facts of Excel Grading Computation

  • While you’re working with percentages rather than numbers. You must ensure that data must comprises a “%” symbol.
  • When you’re offered by a list of different conditions. You have to lock or check the referenced range before you utilize the formula for undergoing components.
  • If the Colleges grading system considers lower numbers as higher grades, use the “< “operator instead of”>” in the formula.
  • You must know the formula closing way with an appropriate number of closing brackets”)”. It must match the nested “IF” statements used within your formula. Then ensure that all nested IF formulas are conveniently completed with”)”.
  • Your numerical digits don’t need to close by applying double quotes; 2.5, 50.

Ultimately, you need to press your required cell, that’s compatible with your data. You can insert your letter grade. Next, you may tap on the Insert Function icon that opens a dialogue box forefront to you. ‘Search for your function’, write “IFs”, and press ‘Go’. 

Now from ‘Select Function’, open your IFs by double-clicking on it. Insert the cutoffs for each letter grade, starting with the bottom cutoff for grade A. Proceed with entering the cutoffs for subsequent grades and acquire your required percentage grade.

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